Friday, July 2, 2010

Colic, What the heck is Colic??????

I thought changing his formula last week was going to be a great idea. On my last blog I talked about how it didn't agree with Carter and we switched back. Well I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or if that formula just messed up his stomach. He has been a holy terror this week. During the day he isn't so bad, but only because he is trying to catch up on sleep since he is getting none of it at night. Believe me I'm trying to make him stay up during the day, but man oh man when he is asleep he is REALLY asleep. There is no waking this guy up, I just wish he slept this good at night. The first three weeks he was a dream baby, he would sleep all night and only wake up about every 3 1/2 hours for a feeding. Then that stupid formula came around and he is crying the night away. We only gave him a couple of bottles and switched back. I did make the nipple holes bigger, because the "bad" formula was thick. When we put him back on the original formula I didn't switch nipples. I thought maybe that's why he was crying, the size was too big. Two days ago I got him brand new nipples to see if there was a change. NOPE, nothing still a holy terror at night. He would literally stay up crying from 12-4 am. I read up on it and thought to myself, hey I think he is colic. Didn't really know what colic was so of course I google it because I'm the google queen. I also have books, so I'm reading up on it that way too (can't always trust the Internet). I read about Gripe Water. I, once again, google Gripe Water because I have no clue what that is. Then I remembered that I have a medicine kit for him I received as a gift. I pray that Gripe Water is in it (it was 2 am so I wasn't going to the store that night to buy it). Yes the kit had it hallelujah, it was there!!! I immediately give it to him. I swear within seconds he is calm. I did think to myself, it might be a coincidence since he had been screaming so long. So the next night (which was last night, also Chris' night to feed him) he begins to get that cry and turning red around 12 am (same time every night, that's what the books said it would be like). Before I go to bed I get the Gripe Water out and give it to him, once again within seconds he is calm. He also had a great night!!!! Holy cow this Gripe Water is amazing. Chris and I agree we are stocking up on this stuff!!!! ( the above pic is me looking for the Gripe water)

On another note, Chris' parents came in town yesterday to stay the night before going to Canadian for 4th of July. It was really great to see them, they are so good with Carter and love him very much. They could only stay one night, however they are coming back next weekend to watch Carter. My good friend Alexis is getting married on the 10th so they said they would drive up to watch him. As much company as we have had, I did like when we were on our own. However, I have to admit I do miss having people around. It's so hot outside I sit at home all day. If I do get out it's just to run up to Target. So needless to say it will be great to have them here next weekend so I can visit with them, plus like I said they are so great with Carter. ( Pic above is Carter with his grandpa)

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