Friday, June 25, 2010

Exhaustion has finally set in.....

These first few weeks have flown by so quickly. When I came home from the hospital I couldn't help but move around and try to do housework, even though I wasn't supposed to. Laying in a bed and not moving much was killing me. I had so much family around to help, but that wasn't it I simply couldn't sit still. I was doing laundry, dishes, I even cleaned out my pantry, not to mention taking care of Carter. I never got that "nesting" stage when I was pregnant. It must of hit me after I had him.
Now week three rolls around is another story. At the beginning of this week I felt like I had just ran a marathon. I was so physically drained. Chris gets up early to work, and this week he would do the first morning feedings everyday so I could sleep in. I feel so terrible when he does this, because I feel like I should be getting up and I'm letting both Carter and Chris down. Chris tells me I'm crazy and he's up anyways and I need rest. He's probably right, but I can't help but feel awful about it. However, I've been non stop since I've come home from the hospital I really think I've push my physical ability and that's why I feel like a bump on a log this week.
What has helped this week is actually getting out of the house, FINALLY! Chris and I made it a point to get out of the house, whether it's just going to lunch or just running up to Target. Once I was up and going I felt much better and not so run down. In the positive of doing a ton of chores, and being run down from them, I really think that has helped with the baby weight.
I gained 26 lbs during my pregnancy, which (from what I've read) isn't that much. I was really worried about trying to lose the weight, but have been pleasantly surprised. It's been 3 1/2 weeks since I had Carter and I've lost 22 lbs. I was extra worried after I had him because I had the c-section done. Which my doctor told me you can't work out for 6 weeks (only walking at that point) and 8 weeks for everything else (like weights). I really do think running around doing chores has made me lose the weight! I'm trying not to get too excited because I was trying to lose weight when I got pregnant. I do have more to go on top of my pregnancy weight. Not a lot, but I would like to lose a few more lbs and tone up. I really liked how toned I was getting for my wedding (doing boot camp which kicked my butt, but was awesome) all of that muscle is gone. I couldn't continue to work out while I was pregnant. The first 20 weeks I was pregnant I had morning sickness, aka all day sickness, which made me so weak (I actually had to go to the ER one day bc it wouldn't stop and I had to get an IV). So needless to say I lost all muscle I achieved before my wedding.
Back to my sweet baby. I really have got off track with tummy time this week. I really have to get back on it. Our doctor said it's extremely important to do this because they spend so much time sleeping on their backs it's bad for their soft spots on their head. I noticed his right side is more flat then his left. I've started to make him sleep on his left side, since he favors his right. I'm trying to now do two days on the left and one day on the right. I am praying it will even out on it's own. I would hate for him to have to wear one of those helmets at night. Not to mention pay for one. They are around $3,500, and most insurances won't pay for them. So I really need to make an attempt to get him doing tummy time everyday this week.
We tried changing Carter's formula this week, bad idea. We originally had him on Similac Advance. He was spitting up, not much, but I was wondering if it was bc of the formula. We tried Similac Sensitive for less spitting up. OMG!!! He turned in to a Tasmanian devil! After two bottles he wouldn't stop crying and throwing fits. Chris and I both were freaking out. We couldn't get him to calm down for anything, which isn't like him at all. We were like screw this we are going back to Similac Advance. He isn't really spitting up a lot, but still some. But no more crazy fits!
He just seems to amaze me everyday. I know he still can't do much, but any little thing I'm just shocked. It's amazing to see a baby (your baby) growing and learning how to do things as simple as holding his head up or even a smile. Well he just woke up from a nap crying so he probably has a dirty diaper, I better get off the blog for now! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tiffany! It sounds like you guys are doing a great job. You know, don't be too hard on yourself. I experienced the same thing after my c-section--I didn't feel the nesting thing at all, but once Lily arrived, I felt like I had to keep everything perfect and made myself (and probably everyone around me) a little crazy. It does catch up with you. I started walking right away just to keep from going stir-crazy, and by my 6 week postnatal visit was up to two miles a day and started jogging and doing yoga again. Just like when you were pregnant, listen to your body! You are your best benchmark. If you want to walk a little, then do it. It gives you some alone time, relieves stress, and helps you feel like you're taking steps toward getting your figure back. Just don't overdo it!

    Please let me know when I can come meet Carter! I'd be happy to come hang out while you catch up on laundry or get a nap. (Or if you and Chris wanted to go to dinner, I would gladly watch him for you!) Miss Lily's grandparents live near you all, so there would just be one little one to watch out for. Let me know!
