Friday, June 18, 2010

First Posting

Well I have decided to try blogging now that I'm a mom. I'm hoping to get good advice about being a mom and to let my family be involved with Carter's life without actually being here. Not really sure who will read this or if I will even keep up with it, but it's worth a shot.

June 1st!!!
Around 7am the nurse came in to start my pitocin and induce labor. I definitely knew I had a stubborn one being 3 days from my due date and my little boy wasn't going anywhere. I was so excited and ready for all this to begin until 10 am hit. Holy cow, people can tell you how much contractions hurt, but until you actually experience them you have NO idea. At first it felt fine, the nurse asked if I was ready for my epidural. I tell her not yet, because of course I'm trying to suck it up and think I'm a hard ass. I can handle this right!?! Well not exactly, 12 pm rolls around and I'm ready for that epidural NOW. But it's me we're talking about here and my luck isn't so lucky. I ring for the nurse and request an epidural, she then tells me it will be about another hour because the anesthesiologist just went into surgery. Oh great! :( However she could put some medicine in my IV to help me out. Thank goodness!! I'm finally out of some of the pain and can take a nap. I don't know if I had a bad reaction to the medicine, my anxiety kicking in, or a mixture of both. But I woke up out of a deep sleep and freaked out. I couldn't catch my breath, I was crying, and then started throwing up. It was awful. Poor Chris has no clue what to do, he was so sweet and worried about me. He ran to get a nurse who put some anit-nauesa medicine in my IV. SOOOOO much better now.

Skipping a few hours, my nurse comes in to see how far along I am. Mind you I came in to the hospital 1.75 cm dilated. It is now 5:45 and I've only dilated to 4.5. Are you serious, only 3 more cm in 10 hours! I'm thinking this is crazy they have to do something to speed this up. My nurse came back in at 6 pm to let me know my doctor will be here at 6:30 and we are doing an emergency c-section, so we need to prep now. While I was pregnant I was hoping and praying to not have a c-section, that is until I was in labor for 10 hours. As they are whisking me down the hall for surgery all I'm doing is complaining about heartburn. I seriously can't stop bitching about it. Are you serious Tiffany, are you really complaining about heartburn when you're going to have major surgery? We get into the room and they make me drink this nasty liquid to get rid of the heartburn (I'm sure they were tired of me complaining about heartburn). That disgusting liquid immediately made me sick, as they are cutting into me I start throwing up. This was about the time they brought my husband in the room. What a trooper, he was so comforting through the whole surgery. Then at 6:54 pm I heard the most amazing noise in the world, my baby boy crying. I was so out of it from the anesthesia, I was trying everything in my power to just keep my eyes open. I heard our doctor tell Chris that his umbilical cord was wrapped loosely around his neck twice, but he was completely fine and was never in distress. She jokingly said he was a very smart baby to not move down the canal while we were trying to induce. Because I was so out of it the next thing I remember was Chris holding our beautiful son. I was overwhelmed with emotions. There is nothing in the world like seeing your child for the first time. It was so hard for me to not hold him right away, but I had to go to recovery for 2 hours. However after a crazy painful 9 months, 10 hours of labor, and a c-section later I am now the proud mom of Carter Michael Williams, 7lbs 1 oz and 20 3/4 in.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Tiffany! He is so cute, you will love being a mom and you will get sleep again eventually.
